剧情介绍: The basic premise of Andromeda - man from an earlier era piecing civilization back together - was the subject of three earlier Roddenberry pilots: "Genesis II" starring Alex Cord, and "Planet Earth" and "Strange New World" starring John Saxon.
长夜已经来临, System联邦,这最伟大的文明已经覆灭, 现在,一艘星舰,一组船员将要驱散这黑夜, 他们将重燃文明的光芒 , 在星际飞船Andromeda上,希望再次萌发,就像《星际旅行之深空九号》描述的那样。
Dylan Hunt是仙女座号的船长,仙女座号是Systems联邦的军舰。Systems联邦曾经横跨几个星系。因为遭到同伴的背叛,Hunt和他的船被冰冻了几个世纪。300年后的一次偶然的机会,Hunt被一只救助船只所救,而那时他发现联邦已经覆灭了。Hunt决定乘上他的船,带上船员,环游宇宙,为恢复联邦王国而努力……
2005年 WorldFest Houston Television and Cable Production - Directing - Television David Winning
2004年 WorldFest Houston Television and Cable Production - Directing - Television David Winning
2004年 WorldFest Houston Television and Cable Production - Directing - Television David Winning